Learn These Terms Before You Go Furnace Shopping
If Jack Frost won a few battles in your home last winter, now may be the time to consider replacing that inefficient furnace with one that will keep you toasty while also saving on energy bills. But before you start doing your research, you should get to know some of the important industry terms:
- Annual fuel utilization efficiency, or AFUE – AFUE is a measure of heating efficiency. The higher the rating, the more heat provided at less cost. Most older model furnaces have an AFUE around 60, while newer models are in the 80s and 90s.
- Heat loss – This measures in BTUs how much heat escapes from your home. It’s used to help determine the size of the furnace needed keep your home warm. When it’s time to start looking for a new furnace, work with a contractor who can determine the heat loss in your home.
- Condensing furnace – A condensing furnace, which has an AFUE of 80 or higher, works by squeezing the heat out of the exhaust so much that the water condenses.
- Forced air system – A forced air heating system uses a blower to get all the hot air into all the rooms in the house.
- Ducts – These metal tubes are the pathways conditioned air follows from the furnace to the vents throughout the home. They must be sealed appropriately so the air doesn’t escape.
- Energy Star rating – The Energy Star symbol means these products have been certified by the government to reduce energy costs.
At Sobieski Services, Inc., our goal is to help our customers in Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland and New Jersey learn more about energy and home comfort issues – especially HVAC and plumbing issues – so that they can save money and live in healthier, more comfortable homes.
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