Choosing An HVAC Contractor? Installations Require Specific Procedures
Choosing an HVAC contractor to install your system means more than just finding the fastest job at the lowest price. Many long-standing performance problems with HVAC systems, including energy-efficiency shortfalls, can be traced back to improper installation. These are the results of work performed by individuals lacking the expertise, training or specialized equipment to install and test today’s complex systems.
Disappointing performance and malfunctions may persist until the errors of an unprofessional installation are remedied by a professional. Fortunately, choosing an HVAC contractor doesn’t have to be a hit-and-miss process.
Here are some things to know about your contractor before you have new equipment installed:
- No reputable contractor will sell or install HVAC equipment without accurately determining your home’s heating and cooling load first using Manual J, the industry-accepted software for load calculation.
- A professional contractor will evaluate the ductwork size to make sure it matches the output and performance specs of the heating and cooling equipment being installed. The contractor will also test the ductwork for leakage and suggest sealing any existing leaks.
- Many of the efficiency gains of new equipment rely on the use of a programmable thermostat. A contractor with the proper expertise to install your equipment will know that and suggest you install one. He or she will also show you how to program it.
- When replacing indoor A/C components, the contractor should make sure that the coil in the new components is properly sized to match the coil in the outdoor unit. Mismatched coils, a frequent result of incompetent installation, can degrade energy-efficiency and performance.
- If your home has separate areas with different temperature requirements, a knowledgeable contractor will suggest a zoning system to provide separate temperature controls for each area.
- Before he or she leaves, the contractor will show you how to perform simple but important maintenance tasks yourself, such as changing the system air filter regularly.
When you’re choosing an HVAC contractor, consider Sobieski Services.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Wilmington, Delaware and surrounding areas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC & plumbing systems).
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